OZ Relax and Sport


To bring playfulness and respect to the creation of
healthy thought patterns,
that nourish the mind, body and spirit
for an inspiring and fulfilling life.


Physically, Mentally, Emotionally,
Energetically and Spiritually
Healthy individuals and society.


Comes from Latin: re- means "again."
laxare means "to relax". 


has been around in English since the mid-15th century,
when it originated from Old French disport,
meaning "to amuse, enjoy or play".

Relax and Sport

keeps the heart healthier, improves brain function,
helps the immune system and releases energy flow.


"Love knows it is everything, wisdom knows it is nothing
and between these two banks flows the river of life." 

      Nisargadatta Maharaj

Yoga and meditation
have become as much a part of my daily
life as breathing, water and food.

Therapy for me
is the art of seeing a person
for their potential and not for the problem they come to therapy with.

We are the creators of our inner feeling
of the happiness we experience
of peace and joy
as well as suffering.

Raasti Havala


Beyond Addiction.
The course includes Kundalini Yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, relaxation, self-reflection, lifestyle and dietary guidelines, group support, stress management, hydrotherapy, naturopathic detoxification and nutritional and herbal supplementation for neurotransmitter and glandular balance.

The program was developed by Sat Dharam Kaur ND, and integrates the teachings of Dr. Gabor Maté and experts in the addiction field.


Compassionate inquiry professional therapeutic training.
Dr. Gábor Maté, Sat Dharam Kaur N.D.


NLP Therapy Master


The practice of relaxation and sports therapy techniques.

Slovakia, Bratislava a Jedľové Kostoľany,

Thailand, Chiang Mai,
India, Tiruvannamalai.

Shangri La OMC, Czech republic  


NLP Therapy Practioner

Chiang Mai, Thailand

2007 - 2011

International Training Massage School

Old Medicine Hospital School Shivagakomarpaj

Blue Garden Thai Massage Training


Hot stone massage

Hot bamboo massage


Abdominal therapy

Chiang Mai, Thailand


Coach and therapist of Nanthikan Massage Studio


online / in person

Pain, migraines,

and addictions

Musculoskeletal system



“Just as the technology exists to create external well-being,
there is a science to create inner well-being”.


You’ll never get rid of it completely, and the pain will keep coming back.
That’s when I got a tip about Raasti and we started to work together my problems.
He helped me, but most importantly he taught me how to deal with my crosses and how much relaxation is important.
Thanks to him, I was still able to play sports for another 5 years,
at the top level.
Last but not least, he is a great healer who gives emphasis on mental well-being and I’ve always come back from him as a new person.

I have found his techniques very effective.

When I visited him he started working with me.
We did various exercises and also manual release.
He taught me to see the body as a whole and not to focus on the pain all the time.  Later on I started to see him once in a while also about psychological stress
before a race and things like that.

I think that helped extremely in everything.
Thank you

When we met, I had scoliosis and back pain
and after a few massages and exercises, the problem went away.

I definitely recommend him, his massages are an experience in themselves.

I also had a slight problem with pain or whatever you want to call it,
some sort of tension or tightness in my lower back.

Our session, the massage, started with breathing where I was breathing,
and I tried to focus on what was going to happen in therapy.
I think that helped me. I started to see my body as a whole
and I wasn’t focusing on the pain that I’ve been feeling for the last week.

That lay, in my opinion, after the very first incorrect and mishandled workout
after a week’s rest after summer training.
The initial release was the breathing itself.
I tried to put my body in space, on a surface, to allow the pain and discomfort
could dissipate faster. Until then, I felt like I was tied down,
or certain points of pain were accumulated in places inside me.
In fact, as soon as he put his hands on my legs, I felt great energy and warmth.
That was a boost for me.
I couldn’t stop thinking about that warmth and energy that was coming and starting
flowing through me from where your hands were placed.
The very process of releasing with the warm stones, spreading the oil
and your masterful skills and techniques to take the pain away from the areas
in big steps. I had to breathe a couple of times, you noticed that right away.
I was still trying to concentrate on breathing, but also on the movements,
…and as the pain faded, I began to feel relief.

Gradually I began to realize again what my legs were for.
Until then, I had felt that my motor skills were not sufficiently developed,
or basic locomotor movements. I can’t exactly describe it, especially the feeling,
when I felt that moment that I didn’t need to lift or bend my leg
to engage the muscles that aren’t there to do it, but it comes naturally to me.

You pulled my legs out of the mud or out of the concrete. The right leg went a little slower,
the left one, I think, much faster. I came to you with a wrinkled smile,
but with every moment of therapy, the smile got straighter.
The week in pain was very difficult to go through with simple movements
activities, let alone workouts.

It felt like he had loosened some valve on his heels or opened a plug
and all the tension, pain, cramp, tightness, and worry would flow out, away.
As I lay on my back like that, I felt as if my legs were going back
to my body and I was beginning to think of them as mine again. They wanted to float.

A good signal, both for you and for me.

I’ll tell the truth I’d been waiting for this moment and feeling.

We finished the whole piece by releasing the crosses. As you said, their condition had the effect
the condition of the legs. Here it went very quickly, I felt no pain,
just a rapid relaxation and, if I may say so myself,
there was a total body harmony. The head realised that it had legs too.

The feeling after the therapy, was a boost for me, I was literally blown away by the energy,
that you gave me and especially the energy and the warmth of your hands, like they were replacing inch by inch every inch and part of the sore muscle.
It made me want everything again. My body was relaxed again and I had the feeling and the desire,
that I could even go right away with pleasure to the training.
Legs loose, movement controlled even supple, if I hadn’t experienced it for myself
I wouldn’t have believed it. I had the joy of movement.
I walked up the stairs to my room feeling new legs.

The joy of movement.

Dlho som o Tebe počúvala od ľudí, ktorí u teba boli, ale nejak som tak nepociťovala ísť ku tebe.
Až som jedného dňa prišla a môžem len odporučiť tvôj prístup je  liečivý. Príjemná atmosféra a ten kľud, ktorý som pocítila asi v sekunde.
Veľmi si mi pomohol s boľavou rukou a s mojou mysľou sužovanou úzkosťou. Prežívala som ťažké chvíle.
Naučil si ma správne dýchať a vážiť si seba samú. Aj vďaka tomu som si začala vychutnávať život.
Dodal si mi neskutočnú silu, dal si mi niečo, čo neviem ani pomenovať.
Ja Ti ďakujem a vždy budem.
Ďakujem aj za môjho syna Viliama, ktorého si tak inšpiroval, že sa začal venovať podobným veciam ako ty.

I began to feel as if something was radiating from me, or coming out of me…

I felt something on my stomach and chest,
like a book or a brick or something.
It was going into my hands as well, and I felt such a weakness,
I couldn’t move my arms.
I can’t define exactly the feelings I was experiencing, but it was such a very intense tingling as if something was on top of me.

I started to smile and I couldn’t control it.
I started to notice the music again, you just the surroundings.
I felt so relaxed, I didn’t care about anything and it was so nice, nice.

I felt so calm inside me, so soothed, so relaxed, so relieved from the everyday life, I didn’t think about anything, I was the me I had never seen before.

I hadn’t experienced such a state, such inner peace…
Even when I was already travelling home I was completely so detached, so peaceful.

I look forward to another such state 😉
Have a nice rest of the evening 🙂

We’ve come to realize that there’s more to address than just migraines.

He also found the problem in my psyche, which was very fragile. Our conversations were punctuated by my crying, but I won’t forget how he told me that if I followed his recommendations, I would see beautiful results. Of course he was right.

After two weeks, I realized that I had only had a migraine once and after that I didn’t even know what a migraine was.

I made it through our second session without crying and had my first (and not last) powerful meditation that I will never forget.
It was then that I realized that Raasti truly has a tremendous gift – to heal people.

After about a year, I came for a massage and came to him as a new person.
I followed his recommendations and he could finally see me as I had always been – full of life, laughter and positivity.

He took me out of my comfort zone and showed me the way through the fears I had overcome and I will always be grateful to him for that.

Thank you for this journey Raasti, truly.

I knew that when I got out of bed there would be that unpleasant pain again and it was killing me.

I got a referral to a therapist, so I figured I’d give it a try.
On my first visit I received a deep tissue massage and immediately felt relief and not just physically but mentally as well.

I felt that the body and mind were like a connected vessel and that it was impossible to separate.

In the second part I was given precise instructions on how to take care of my body and mind.

I followed these recommendations and gradually the pain subsided over a few weeks until it gradually disappeared completely and I was completely fit and could, as they say, enjoy life again.
If my story had ended there it would have been wonderful but life is colourful and so after about a year and a half I injured the same place, the same pain that I knew, hated and so dreaded.
At first I hoped it would go away but it got worse and that scared me even more.
I contacted Raasti and we arranged an online Zoom appointment later that day where I described my situation to him.
To my surprise, after some techniques where I received instructions online, I felt instant relief not only mentally but also in my physical body.

I would not have believed without this experience that this is possible even remotely. Afterwards we arranged a face-to-face meeting.
After the therapy, I realized that I could tie my shoelaces again and was happy to find that my back pain was minimal. Incredible feeling!
This time the instructions make even more sense to me. It suddenly became even clearer to me than the first time.
My condition began to improve immediately , first the mental and immediately followed by the physical.
More than one enlightening idea was impressed on my mind, but the one that stuck with me the most .
” Pain is our friend “.

Thank you Raasti

As if they weren’t a part of me and neither were my hands.

I had to constantly put energy and attention on the smaller movements of having them 🙂
Well then it started to escalate, a huge pressure on my chest,
like someone-something was sitting there, I couldn’t breathe properly.
and at the same time the right side of my face was twitching…the whole time I wanted to scream enough!

I couldn’t…until you grabbed my right hand and started massaging.
I felt a gradual release, you continued with your legs, neck and suddenly I was engulfed
an incredible feeling of relaxation, happiness.

I was just going through my mind: I want to stay in this state forever 🙂

Your touch on my face made me awake…and your words, so this is meditation 🙂
All the time Your touches were very pleasant…
maybe I went into it with a little respect…
probably natural, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into…me Iva.

It was a very strong experience and pleasure for me, THANK YOU

Because of my job in which I regularly carried heavy loads, I didn’t even believe that I would ever get rid of this pain.
It was only when I finally found the time to visit my good friend Rastika that I understood that anything was possible.
After an incredibly relieving massage and good advice on how to take care of my body, I left a different person.
My spinal pain eased and every time the pain tries to return I remember Rastik’s valuable advice and immediately life is more beautiful.

Thank you for everything

The beautiful music, the warmth from the stove and your attentiveness helped me to completely sink into my body and detach from my thoughts.

I felt safe, confident and professional. Every touch was sensitive and conscious.
I enjoyed your support in directing my breath-prana to the blockages in my body. You accurately pinpointed my weak points.

The combination of the warm stones and oil brought me relief and pleasure. When the treatment was over I felt nourished and grateful..
Raasti, it’s a pity you’re not closer to Bratislava. I would be your guest more often.

I suffered for a while and waited for it to pass, but after a week or two I said to myself,
I’d had enough and I started seeing different therapists.
But I’ve been to about three, and I always get relief for a day or so,
for a day or two, and it started to hurt again. And some of the visits weren’t exactly cheap either.
I was getting pretty desperate, but somebody told me a “good guy” came in.
from Slovakia and he was straightening everybody’s back. Then we met somewhere,
so I asked him and he came to my house.

He was quite enthusiastic, my vertebrae were peeling, I was a bit scared,
but somehow I trusted him.

And I did the right thing. I didn’t know any more about the injury.
And he didn’t want anything in return.

A few years later, the whole situation repeated itself again, a different part of the back,
but there was Rasti again, and crunch, crunch, and the pain was gone.

Respect! Sheepdog

I was in constant pain with twitching, I was taking sprays and infusions at the neurologist.

A friend of mine recommended a spine specialist surgeon, where I had several treatments and that didn’t work either, there was no improvement.

It was only after all these treatments that I had 3 deep tissue massages.
After the first one I already felt considerable relief. The next two therapies completely eliminated my cervical spine and arm pain.

After visiting several doctors and specialists, it was only Raasti Havala that helped me.
For this help and relief, I am grateful to him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you

There was an aha moment where I remembered that the answers are within me and I am able to experience situations of pain differently and handle them with ease.A very mysterious and kind beautiful magician.

That is how I felt this was what I sensed in you.
I was very comfortable.
Thank you.

nikdy sa toho úplne nezbavíš a bolesti sa ti budú stále vracať. Vtedy som dostala tip na Rasťa a začali sme spolu riešiť môje problémy. Pomohol mi ale hlavne ma naučil ako s krížami pracovať a do akej veľkej miery je dôležité uvoľnenie.
Aj vďaka nemu som ešte ďalších 5 rokov mohla športovať na vrcholovej úrovni..
V neposlednom rade je to veľký pohoďák, ktorý dáva dôraz aj na psychickú pohodu a vždy som sa od neho vrátila ako nový človek.

Jeho techniky sú pre mňa veľmi účinné.

Keď som ho navštívil začal so mnou pracovať.
Robili sme rôzne cvičenia a aj manuálne uvoľňovanie.
Naučil ma vnímať telo ako celok a nesústrediť sa stále len na tú bolesť. Neskôr som začal k nemu chodiť raz za čas aj ohľadom psychického stresu pred pretekmi a s podobnými vecami.

Myslím si že to extrémne pomohlo vo všetkom.

Keď sme sa spoznali, mala som skoliózu a bolesti chrbta a po niekoľkých návštevách a cvičeniach problém zmizol.
Je to zážitok sám o sebe jednoznačne odporúčam.

Mierny problém som mal aj s bolesťou  pnutím alebo zviazaním v krížovej časti chrbta. Prvotným uvoľnením bolo samotné dýchanie. Myslím, že mi to pomohlo. Začal som vnímať svoje telo ako celok a nesústreďoval som sa na bolesť. Dovtedy som mal pocit, že som zviazaný, alebo určité body bolesti sú vo mne nahromadené v miestach.
V podstate hneď ako si priložil ruky k mojím nohám, pocítil som veľkú energiu a teplo. To bol pre mňa impulz. Nevedel som prestať myslieť na to teplo a energiu, ktorá prichádzala a začínala prúdiť vo mne od toho miesta, kde si mal ruky položené. Uvoľňovanie s teplými kameňmi, roztieraním oleja a tvojimi majstrovskými zručnosťami a technikami odoberala bolesť z daných miest veľkými krokmi. Postupne som si znovu začal uvedomovať načo mi majú slúžiť nohy. Dovtedy som mal pocit, že nemám dostatočne vyvinutú motoriku, alebo základne lokomočné pohyby. Neviem to presne opísať, hlavne ten pocit, keď som pocítil, ten moment, že na zdvihnutie, alebo pokrčenie nohy nepotrebujem zapojiť tie svaly, ktoré na to neslúžia, ale ide mi to prirodzene samo.

Vytiahol si mi nohy z bahna alebo z betónu. Pravá noha išla trochu pomalšie, ľavá myslím podstatne rýchlejšie. Prišiel som k tebe s pokrčeným úsmevom, no každou chvíľou terapie sa úsmev viac vyrovnával.
Týždeň v bolestiach prechádzal veľmi ťažko pri jednoduchých pohybových činnostiach a nieto ešte pri tréningoch.

Mal som pocit, ako keby si povolil nejaký ventil na pätách alebo otvoril zátku a všetko napätie, bolesť, kŕč, zatuhnutie a obavy vytekali, vzdialovali sa. Ako som tak ležal na chrbte, cítil som, ako keby mi nohy sa naspäť vracali k telu a začínal som ich znovu považovať za svoje. Chceli sa vznášať. Dobrý signál, aj pre teba aj pre mňa. Poviem pravdu na tento moment a pocit som čakal.

Celé dielo sme dotvorili uvoľnením krížov. Ako si povedal, ich stav mal za následok
stav nôh. Tu to prebiehalo veľmi rýchlo, bolesť som nepociťoval, iba rapídne uvolnenie a ak by som to mohol nejak tak povedať, že nastala celková súhra celého tela. Hlava si uvedomila, že má aj nohy.

Pocit po terapii, bol pre mňa impulz, bol som doslova uchvátený z tej energie, ktorú si mi poskytol a hlavne energiu a to teplo tvojich rúk, ako keby vymieňali centimeter po centimetri každý kúsok a časť boľavého svalu.
Znovu sa mi všetko chcelo. Telo bolo znovu oddýchnuté a mal som pocit a chuť, že by som mohol isť aj hneď s radosťou na tréning.
Nohy voľné, pohyb kontrolovateľný ba až vláčny, ak by som to nezažil na vlastnej koži, ani by som tomu neuveril. Mal som radosť z pohybu. Schody do izby som vyšiel s pocitom nových nôh.
Radosť z pohybu. Ďakujem.

Dlho som o Tebe počúvala od ľudí, ktorí u teba boli, ale nejak som tak nepociťovala ísť ku tebe.
Až som jedného dňa prišla a môžem len odporučiť tvôj prístup je  liečivý. Príjemná atmosféra a ten kľud, ktorý som pocítila asi v sekunde.
Veľmi si mi pomohol s boľavou rukou a s mojou mysľou sužovanou úzkosťou. Prežívala som ťažké chvíle.
Naučil si ma správne dýchať a vážiť si seba samú. Aj vďaka tomu som si začala vychutnávať život.
Dodal si mi neskutočnú silu, dal si mi niečo, čo neviem ani pomenovať.
Ja Ti ďakujem a vždy budem.
Ďakujem aj za môjho syna Viliama, ktorého si tak inšpiroval, že sa začal venovať podobným veciam ako ty.

Začal som cítiť ako keby so mňa niečo vyžarovalo, alebo vychádzalo… Cítil som na bruchu a hrudníku akoby som tam mal niečo položené, niečo ako nejakú knihu alebo tehlu alebo niečo také. Prechádzalo mi to do aj do rúk a cítil som takú slabosť, že sa mi nedalo rukami pohnúť. Neviem definovať presne ako som tie pocity prežíval, ale bolo to také velmi intenzívne mravčanie ako keby na mne niečo bolo.
Začal som sa usmievať a nevedel som to ovládať. Začal som znovu vnímať hudbu, teba, proste okolie. Cítil som sa úplne tak uvoľnene, bolo mi úplne všetko jedno a bolo mi tak fajne, príjemne..Cítil som taký pokoj v sebe, také ukľudnenie, odreagovanie od bežného života, na nič som nemyslel, bol som to ja aký som sa predtým ešte nevidel.

Nezažil som taký stav, taký vnútorný pokoj…
Tak isto aj keď som už cestoval domov bol som úplne taký odosobnený, spokoný.

Teším sa na ďalší takýto stav 😉
Pekný zvyšok večera 🙂

Prišli sme na to, že je treba riešiť viac, než len migrény.

Problém našiel aj v mojej psychike, ktorá bola veľmi krehká. Naše rozhovory boli prevádzané mojím plačom, ale nezabudnem, ako mi povedal, že ak budem dodržiavať jeho odporúčania, tak budem vidieť krásne výsledky. Samozrejeme mal pravdu.

Po dvoch týždňoch som si uvedomila, že som mala migrénu len raz a neskôr som ani nevedela, čo je to migréna.

Naše druhé stretnutie som zvládla už bez plaču a zažila som svoju prvú (a nie poslednú) silnú meditáciu, na ktorú nikdy nezabudnem.
Vtedy som si uvedomila, že Raasti má naozaj obrovský dar – liečiť ľudí.

Asi po roku som prišla na masáž a prišla som k nemu ako nový človek.
Jeho odporúčania som dodržiavala a konečne ma mohol vidieť takú aká som vždy bola – plná života, smiechu a pozitivity.

Vyšla som zo svojej komfortnej zóny a ukázal mi cestu cez strach, ktorý som prekonala a vždy mu budem za to vďačná.

Ďakujem za túto cestu Raasti, naozaj.

Vedel som že, keď vstanem z postele bude tu opäť tá nepríjemná bolesť a to ma ničilo. Dostal som odporučenie na terapeuta a tak som si povedal že to vyskúšam. Pri prvej návšteve som dostal hĺbkovú masáž a hneď som pocítil úľavu a nie len fyzickú ale aj psychickú.
Pocítil som že telo a mysel je ako spojená nádoba a že to nie je možné oddelovať.
V druhej časti som dostal presne popísané inštrukcie ako sa starať o svoje telo a mysel.
Dodržiaval som tieto odporúčania a postupne bolesť odoznievala pár týždňoch až sa postupne úplne stratila a bol som úplne fit a mohol som sa, ako sa hovorí, opäť tešiť zo života.
Keby tu skončil môj príbeh bolo by to úžasné ale život je pestrý a tak asi po roku a pol som si zranil rovnaké miesto, rovnaká bolesť, ktorú som poznal, ktorú som nenávidel a tak sa jej bál.
Sprvu som dúfal že to prejde ale zhoršovalo sa to a to ma vydesilo ešte viac.
Kontaktoval som Raastiho a ešte v ten deň sme si dohodli online stretnutie na zoom kde som mu opísal moju situáciu.
Na moje prekvapenie som už po nejakych technikách kde inštrukcie som dostával online pocítil okamzite uľavu nielen psychicky ale aj vo fyzickom tele.
Neveril by som bez tejto skúsenosti, že toto je možné aj na diaľku. Následne sme si dohodli este aj osobné stretnutie.
Po terapii som si uvedomil, že si viem šnúrky na topákach opäť uviazať a s radosťou zisťujem že bolesť chrbta je minimálna. Neuveriteľný pocit!
Tentokrát mi inštrukcie davajú ešte väčší zmysel. Mne to zrazu bolo jasné ešte viac ako prvýkrat.
Môj stav sa začal okamžite zlepšovať , najprv duševný a hneď ho nasledoval aj fyzický.
Nejednu poučnú myšlienku som si osvojil ale najviac sa mi vryla do mysle .
” Bolesť je náš kamarát “.

Ďakujem Raasti

Ako keby neboli súčasťou mňa a rovnako tak ruky.
Musela som neustále dávať energiu a pozornosť na menší pohyb, že ich mám 🙂
No a potom sa to začalo stupňovať, obrovský tlak na hrudi,
akoby mi tam niekto-niečo sedelo, nedalo sa mi poriadne dýchať a zároveň mi tŕpla pravá časť tváre…celý čas som chcela zakričať dosť!
Nedalo sa mi…až dovtedy ako si mi chytil pravú ruku a začal masírovať.
Cítila som postupné uvoľnenie, pokračoval si nohami, šijou a zrazu ma zalial
neskutočný pocit uvoľnenia, šťastia.
Išlo mi len po rozume: v takomto stave chcem zostať navždy 🙂
Tvoj dotyk na mojej tvári ma prebral…a Tvoje slová, tak toto je meditácia 🙂
Po celý čas Tvoje dotyky boli veľmi príjemné…
možno som do toho išla trošku s rešpektom…
asi prirodzené, nevedela som do čoho idem…ja Iva.

Bol to pre mňa veľmi silný zážitok a pôžitok, ĎAKUJEM

Vzhľadom na moju prácu v ktorej som pravidelne nosil ťažké bremená som ani neveril, že sa niekedy zbavím tejto bolesti.
Až keď som si konečne našiel čas na návštevu môjho dobrého priateľa Rastika som pochopil, že všetko je možné.
Po neskutočne úľavnej masáži a dobrým radám ako sa starať o svoje telo som odchádzal ako iný človek.
Bolesti chrbtice poľavili a vždy keď sa snaží bolesť vrátiť si spomeniem na cenné rady od Rastíka a hneď je život krajší.

Ďakujem za všetko

Krásna hudba, teplo z piecky a tvoje pozornosť mi pomohli sa úplne ponoriť do svojho tela a odpútať od myšlienok.
Cítila som bezpečie, dôveru a profesionalitu. Každý dotyk bol citlivý a vedomý.
Užívala som si tvoju podporu pri smerovaní dychu – prány do blokád v tele. Presne si vystihol moje slabé miesta.
Kombilnácia teplých kameňov a oleja mi prinášali úľavu a potešenie. Keď ošetrenie skončilo cítila som sa vyživená a vďačná..

Chvíli jsem trpěl a čekal, až to přejde, ale po týdnu či dvou jsem si řekl, že už toho bylo dost a začal jsem navstěvovat ruzné terapeuty. Ale byl jsem asi u třech a vždy se mi ulevilo tak na den, dva a zase to začalo bolet. A některé návštěvy nebyly ani zrovna levné.
Už jsem si docela zoufal, ale kdosi mi řekl, ze přijel jeden “dobrý chalan” ze Slovenska a že všem rovná zada. Pak jsme se někde potkali, tak jsem ho požádal a přijel za mnou domů.
Docela se do toho pustil s vervou, obratle lupaly, trošku jsem měl i strach, ale nějak jsem mu věřil. A dobře jsem udělal. Už jsem o tom zranění víc nevěděl. A navíc za to ani nic nechtěl.
O pár let později se celá situace opakovala znovu, jiná část zad, ale zase se tam objevil Rasti a křup, křup a bylo po bolestech.

Respekt! Ovčák

Mal som neustále bolesti s tŕpnutim, bral som obstreky a infúzie u neurologičky.
Jedna známa mi poradila chirurga špecialistu na chrbtice, kde som bol na viacerých ošetreniach a to mi tiež nezabralo, nenastalo žiadne zlepšenie.

Až po všetkých týchto procedúrach som absolvoval 3 hĺbkove masáže. Už po prvej som cítil značnú úľavu. Ďaľšie dve terapie úplne odstránili moje bolesti krčnej chrbtice a ruky. Po návštevách viacerých lekárov a odborníkov mi pomohol až Raasti Havala.
Za túto pomoc a úľavu som mu zo srdca vďačný.


Došlo k aha momentu kde som si spomenula nato, že odpovede sú vo mne a som schopná prežívať situácie bolesti inak a v pohode ich zvládnuť. Veľmi tajomný a láskavý krásny mág.
Tak som sa cítila toto som u teba navnímala.
Bolo mi veľmi príjemne.


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